- 100 db 1W / 1m average sensitivity
- 77 mm high temperature sandwich voice coil
- 900 W AES program power
- Single aluminium demodulating ring in 15B450A and double aluminium demodulating rings in 15B450A2 for lower distortion and improved heat dissipation
- Powerful, ferrite 180 mm magnet structure
- Silicone spider
- Epoxy anti-corrosion coating of top and back plates of magnet structure
15B450 PART NUMBER: 11115F1108
15B450A PART NUMBER: 11115F1208
15B450A2 PART NUMBER: 11115F2708
Application : High power woofer
15B450 loudspeaker combining good linearity and efficiency with high power handling capabilities, with use of 77 mm voice coil. It features aluminium die cast frame, 180 mm magnet structure and 19 mm high voice coil.The top and back plates are treated with special high quality epoxy electro-deposition coating, which extremely improves the corrosion resistance of the speaker. 15B450 is suitable for application in a wide variety of enclosure types and particularly as LF driver in 2- or 3- way systems.
Version 15B450A has one aluminium demodulating ring.
Version 15B450A2 has two aluminium demodulating rings which reduce modulation of magnetic flux in airgap for lower THD of the speaker.
Nominal Diameter
Minimum Impedance
Power Capacity AES ¹
Program Power ²
Frequency Range
Voice Coil Diameter
Voice Coil Material
Voice Coil Former
V. C. Winding Depth
Magnet Gap Depth
Cone Material
Flux Density
15"/388 inch/mm
8 Ohm
6.32 Ohm
450 W
900 W
(200-2000 Hz) 100 dB/W/m
45 - 2500 Hz
77 mm
18 mm
9 mm
Paper with glassfiber
Die cast aluminium
1.33 T
45.08 Hz
146.85 Litres
81.56 grams
5.32 Ohms
829.6 cm2
± 6.75 mm
0.153 mm/N
20.43 T.m
1.08 mH
1. AES standard. Power is calculated on rated minimum impedance. Measurement is in 120 L box enclosure tuned 56 Hz using a 40-400 Hz band limited pink noise test signal applied continuously for 2 hours.
2. Program power is defined as 3db greater than AES Power Capacity.
* Linear Mathematical Xmax is calculated as: (Hvc - Hg)/2 + Hg/4 where Hvc is the voice coil depth and Hg is the gap depth.
Overall Diameter
Baffle Hole Diameter
Mounting Holes
Bolt Circle Diameter
Overall Depth
Net Weight
388 mm
352 mm
8 eliptic 7x8 mm
370/372 mm
162.5 mm
7.5 kg
RK15B450 - Part No: R1115F1108 - this RK is for 15B450; 15B450A and 15B450A2
Frequency Response
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